Birthday Parties at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Birthday Parties at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre




预订及垂询,敬请拨打 135 2467 2487


Birthday Party Basic Package

458元/人 (20人起订)

Price: RMB458 / pax(minimum 20 pax per reservation)



What’s included:

 1. 上海乐高探索中心当日游玩券

Same-day ticket for exploring LEGOLAND® Discovery Center

2. 生日屋使用权限(2 小时)

2 hours access to the LEGO® Birthday Room within the center

3. 定制生日图片邀请函

Personalized birthday e-card invitation

4. 乐高礼品店当天购物 9 折券 (每人 1 张)

10% discount coupon for same-day purchase at LEGO® Gift shop (one per personl

5. 餐饮:自由搭配甜品组合每人3 件;水果拼盘 1 份 (按人数匹配) ;软饮 2 种(按人数匹配)

For F&B: Mix and match your own dessert combinations (3 per pax);

1 fruit platter (serving size depends on the number of people);

2 types of soft drinks (serving size depends on the number of people)

6. 蛋糕:6 寸主题奶油蛋糕

For cake: A special LEGO® themed birthday cake (6-inch size)




Birthday Party Upgrade Package

658元/人 (20人起订)

Price: RMB658/pax(minimum 20 pax per reservation)



What’s included:

 1. 上海乐高探索中心当日游玩券

Same-day ticket for exploring LEGOLAND® Discovery Center

2. 生日屋使用权限(3 小时)

3 hours access to the LEGO® Birthday Room within the center

3. 定制微信电子生日邀请函

Personalized Birthday WeChat e-invitation

4. 入口超大LED 屏生日照片展示1m*3.6m

Welcome photo display at entrance LED screen (8.1m*3.6m size)

5. 乐高拼砌大师包场专属定制课程(可带走)

Exclusive LEGO® Master Model Builder class (with LEGO® build take away)

6. 4D电影院包场独享

Exclusive LEGO® 4D Experience

7. 乐高礼品店当天购物9 折券 (每人 1 张)

10% discount coupon for same-day purchase at LEGO® Gift shop (1 per pax)

8. 餐饮:自由搭配甜品咸品组合每人5 件;水果拼盘 1 份 (按人数匹配 ;软饮 2 种 (按人数匹配)

For F&B: Mix and match your own dessert combinations (5 per person)

1 fruit platter (serving size will depend on the number of people)

2 types of soft drinks (serving size will depend on the number of people)

9. 蛋糕:6 寸主题奶油蛋糕

For cake: A special LEGO® themed birthday cake (6-inch size)


Birthday Party Premium Package


Price: RMB888 per pax(minimum 20 pax per reservation)



What’s included:

 1. 上海乐高探索中心当日游玩券

Same-day ticket for exploring LEGOLAND® Discovery Center

2. 生日屋使用权限(3 小时)

3 hours access to the LEGO® Birthday Room within the center

3. 定制微信电子生日邀请函

Personalized Birthday WeChat e-invitation

4. 入口超大LED 屏生日照片展示1m*3.6m

Welcome photo display at entrance LED screen (8.1m*3.6m size)

5. 乐高拼砌大师包场高级定制课程(可带走)

Exclusive LEGO® Master Model Builder class (with LEGO® build take away)

6. 4D电影院包场独享

Exclusive LEGO® 4D experience

7. VR体验 (每人 1 次)

VR experience (1time/pax)

8. 生日专属任务卡+生日定制徽章 (每人 1 份)

Exclusive birthday activity pack & birthday pop badge ( 1 set / pax)

9. 乐高礼品店全年购物 9 折券 (每人 1 张)

10% discount coupon for same-day purchase at LEGO® Gift shop (one per person)

10. 餐饮:冷盘沙拉&小食 4 种、主菜&主食 8种、面包篮 3 种、甜品 3 种、水果拼盘 1 份、汤 1 种、软饮 3

For F&B: 4 types of cold dishes & snacks, 8 types of main dishes, 3 types of bread, 3 types of desserts, 1 fruit platter, 1 kind of soup, and 3 types of soft drinks.

11. 蛋糕:6 寸主题奶油蛋糕

For cake: A special LEGO® themed birthday cake (6-inch size)



Birthday Cake Selection


> 所有生日会套餐均包含6寸基础款奶油生日蛋糕

All the birthday party packages include a 6-inch size birthday cake


> 生日蛋糕尺寸升级价格
    Size Upgrade
  • 升级为8寸加150元

Upgrade to 8-inch size with additional RMB150

  • 升级为10寸加250元

Upgrade to 10-inch size with additional RMB250


> 生日蛋糕款式升级价格
    Double Decker Upgrade
  • 升级为6+8寸加500元

Upgrade to 6+8 inch size with additional RMB 500

  • 升级为8+10寸加700元

Upgrade to 8+10 inch size with additional RMB 700

Birthday Party Package at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre



1. 所有套餐起订人数为 20 人, 不满起订人数的,按最低起订人数收费;
2. 预定生日会需至少提前7 天;
3. 生日屋使用时间为2 小时,如超时按照 2000 元 小时收费;
4. 需提前至现场支付总金额的50% 作为定金;
5. 预定信息仅作参考,实际以支付定金为准,未及时支付定金将可能造成预定不成功;
6. 定金支付成功后,因个人原因取消生日会的,5 天,将扣除 50% 的定金款作为违约金,< 5天,将扣除 100% 的定金作为违约金;
7. 预定成功后,我们将会在3 个工作日内与您取得联系确认订单详情;
8. 如未接到电话,或有其它疑问需要咨询,可致电13651811803 或客服热线 4000 988 966。
